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Your first step in irrigation
LUKOMET's specialists, having the highest experience in irrigation of field cultivation in Poland, are able to present a conception of irrigating for each cultivation under condition of being in possession of access to water and giving precise answers by customer for many important questions.
The conception worked out in writing includes:
1. Data collected from the customer that were the grounds for making the conception
2. Supplement assumptions that were made to show the conception
3. Requirements that should be met for the right operation of the system
4. Proposal of solving the subject, indicating the most suitable system, comparison with others
5. List of machines, devices and materials, indicating the purveyors, pricing.
6. Irrigation technique, telling the way of using the system.
The cost of this conception (few pages in writing) worked out on the base of the data from customer is 1000 zlotys for one system. If customer wishes few variants, for example: lateral move system, reel irrigation machines, drip irrigation, then the conception for each another system will cost in addition 500 zlotys. If customer wishes visiting him, data collecting, confronting the data on the field, then it means additional costs according to the rates for “advice". Payment for the conception during 2 years will be treated as a part of the payment on account for the ordered equipment. Calculating remittance for the conception is executed in advance in the way like for advice. The costs of taking advice and the conception are summed up. To not to bear these costs it should purchase at LUKOMET an irrigation system with total value 33 times higher the sum paid on account.
LUKOMET has worked out a questionnaire that is the best help to find proper conception and give right advice. In the questionnaire it should fill up among other things: contact data, the map of the field (it could be manual sketch in the scale) with marked dimensions, distances, height differences, terrain configuration, obstacles on the field, soil, local climatic conditions (precipitation, temperatures, winds during the vegetation season), cultivated plants, planned rotation of crops, planned other functions of the system (technology irrigation, anti-frost, protective), water used to irrigation, water source efficiency, water purity, water consumption permission , preferred irrigation systems and the arguments that make the preferences out, possibility to cover energy requirements for driving pumps (possibility of feeding and using electric pumps, possessed tractors to driving tractor pumps). The prospective user of the system must declare degree of his discipline and time dedicated to irrigation.
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